• 申请


    本次会议的招募面向世界各地。成员注册名额限制为60人, 我们鼓励尽早注册。 如果您在会议成员满员后申请注册,我们会致信询问您是否愿意加入等候名单。


    Recruitment for this conference is global. The number of members is limited to 60. We encourage early registration. Those who apply after conference membership is full we will be asked if they would like to be on a waiting list.


    团体关系会议的体验式学习可能会带来压力。 如果您目前身体状态不佳或情绪不稳定,无论出于何种原因,您都应该推迟参与。 如果您有任何疑问,请与行政人员联系,邮箱是 ChinaAndTheWorld@163.com


    The experiential learning of a group relations conference can be stressful. Those who are not currently physically healthy and emotionally stable for whatever reason may wish to consider deferring participation until a later time. If you have questions, please contact the conference Administrators at ChinaAndTheWorld@163.com.


    * = 必填项 required