
    权威、领导力与权力 ― 全球视野下的牺牲与丧失


    Authority, Leadership and Power - Sacrifice and Loss in a Shared World


    2024年10月1日-5日 · 中国 · 线上 · 中英双语 

    1-5 October 2024 · China · Online · English-Chinese


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    Nuwa Pacthing the Sky

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    The Tower of Babel

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    Prometheus Bound

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    Trojan Horse

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    The Great Wall

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    The Terra Cotta Warriors

  • 邀请函


    To sacrifice is to give up something of value for an ideal, belief, or end. This bilingual group relations conference is occurring in a context of sacrifice and loss in a multi-cultural world. We sacrifice comfort and lose meanings when we cannot use our mother tongue to communicate with the other. Our sacrifices to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 have led to social loss and loss of trust in government. Climate change calls us to sacrifice our dependency on fossil fuels if we are to sustain the life we know on our planet. Artificial intelligence is leading to the loss of employment for many people. Who will be sacrificed on AI’s altar? Demands for justice, equality, and dignity, in a shared world with limited resources, require sacrifice and loss, freely chosen or imposed, if we are to live together peacefully.


    Cultures differ in their orientations to sacrifice and loss. Sacrifice may be imposed from the outside. Sacrifice may be voluntary and motivated internally by moral and ethical principles. For some, sacrifice is viewed as the province of suckers and losers and as a marker of inferiority and weakness. For others, sacrifice is viewed as reflecting the spiritual strength of caring about others as much as one’s own self. One culture may respond to loss with retaliatory rage for perceived insult to an entitled, omnipotent sense of itself. Another culture may respond to loss with grief and the acceptance of limitations to its abilities to dominate and control.


    Authority, leadership, and power dynamics are central to how we meet the threat of loss. The importance of leadership is apparent from observing the intense competition for authority and

    power in our world. Authoritarian political systems are competing with democratic systems. Nationalistic and religious groups, often led by demagogues, are competing for dominance over minorities. Leaders of racial supremacist, colonialist, and patriarchal ideologies are fighting to sustain entrenched power relationships.


    Given these challenges, can we hope and work for ethical leadership that considers the human needs of the wider society and our shared world? Can we be more conscious about choosing our leadership models? What desires, ambitions, and comforts might leaders, authorities, and followers sacrifice if we are to flourish? What can happen if leaders sacrifice the desire to always be right and never questioned? What happens if leaders sacrifice power as the source of their authority and rely on honesty and truth as the basis for their authority? What happens if followers sacrifice the safety of dependency and instead take responsibility to speak about their experience and needs? Can the repair of accumulated, historical trauma occur if leaders and followers sacrifice the comfort of righteous grievance and, instead, open themselves to the feelings of grief, shame, and humility that follow recognition of complicity in perpetuating harm?


    This conference’s leadership invites you to examine questions of sacrifice and loss associated with how authority, leadership, and power are exercised in our shared world. Our intention is to explore these dynamics with you as they unfold in our work together during the conference. There are many differences among us - real and imagined, hidden and apparent, named and

    unnamed. There are differences in our proficiencies to use different languages. All these differences will offer us opportunities to study whose voices and what parts of ourselves are sacrificed and lost, intentionally and unintentionally, and toward what purpose and end, around the roles of leadership and followership.
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  • 关于会议

    About conference

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    工作人员 STAFF  



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    Director and Consultant

    Raymond Bakaitis, PhD

    雷蒙德·巴凯蒂斯 博士


    雷蒙德·巴凯蒂斯 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶执业心理治疗师;A. K.莱斯社会系统研究所现任主席;Grex(A. K.莱斯社会系统研究所西海岸分支机构)前任主席;洛杉矶心理协会前任主席;他对应用团体关系学习来积极应对我们共同世界中面临的挑战感兴趣。


    Dr. Raymond Bakaitis is a clinical psychologist practicing in Los Angeles, California. He is the current President of the A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI). He is a Past-President of Grex, AKRI's West Coast Affiliate. He is a member of the Lithuanian Group Relations Society. He is a Past-President of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association. He is interested in the application of group relations learning to actively address the challenges of Inequality, violence, and climate change confronting all of us in our shared world.
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    Associate Director and Consultant

    刘瑾 博士

    Jin Liu, PhD


    北京大学心理学博士;个人执业精神分析取向个体咨询师、团体咨询师,中国心理学会注册系统心理师。2014年起,参与塔维斯托克模式团体关系相关工作,完成中国心理卫生协会团体专委会(DGCGT of CAMH)举办的团体关系会议顾问系列培训。在数次团体关系会议中历任文化翻译、受训顾问、顾问、会中行政助理主任、大型学习团体顾问组长等角色。2022年作为主任组织了2次团体关系模式的体验活动,是2022年中国与世界团体关系会议顾问及机构活动召集人。


    PhD in Psychology from Peking University; psychoanalytic therapist in private practice for individual and group therapy. Registered Psychologist of Chinese Psychology Society. She has participated in Group Relations work in the Tavistock tradition since 2014 and has completed a series of trainings for consultants organized by the Division of Group Counseling and Group Therapy (DGCGT) of the Chinese Association of Mental Health (CAMH). In Group Relations conferences, she has worked as cultural interpreter, consultant in training, consultant, assistant director of administration, and Large Study Group consultant team leader. In 2022, she directed two experiential Group Relations events, and was the consultant and IE convenor of the 2022 "China and the World" GRC.
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    Assistant Director for Administration


    Chunfang Li




    Master Degree major inPsychology; Psychotherapist in university Counseling Center, received systematical training from German-Chinese Academy for psychotherapy(DCAP), China-American psychoanalytic alliance(CAPA, advanced levelcertification), oriented in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Member of Beijing “Authority and leadership” Group Relations Conference (2014, 2016), “Training for Small Study Group Consultation Training in the Group Relations Model” (2017, basic level and advanced level) by DGCGT and A.K. Rice Institute. Changsha Group Relations Conference (2019, consultant in training), Shenyang online Group Relations Conference (2020, consultant),Wuhan online Group Relations Conference (2021, Assistant Director of Administration), international group relaitonship conference (2022, consultant) , Group Relations Conference Beijing (2023, consultant).
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    Assistant Director for Cultural Interpretation

    杨一荷 博士

    Yihe Yang, PhD




    Yihe Yang (she/her/hers) is a third-year Ph.D. student in Leadership Studies at the School of Leadership and Education Sciences at the University of San Diego. In addition to her academic pursuits, she is a leadership coach and consultant, helping leaders and teams enhance their abilities for conscious and effective leadership. Yihe also teaches undergraduate courses on leadership theory and practice as a lecturer for the Leadership Studies Minor at USD. She is actively involved in group relations work with an intercultural perspective and is a co-creator of Group Relations International.
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    刘果 医学博士

    Guo Liu, MD


    精神科医生,音乐想象治疗师。毕业于中国医科大学精神病与精神卫生学专业。分别于 2016年、2021年、2022年和2023年四次作为成员参加GRC。


    Psychiatrist, Music Imagery Therapist. Graduated from China Medical University majoring in psychiatry. Has participated in GRCs as a member in 2016, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
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    Ihan Anita Ip, PhD

    葉亦航 博士




    Ihan AnitaIp earned her PhD in leadership studies from the University of San Diego, USA. Her work explores how music may be used in leadership through collaborative inquiry. At USD she also serves as program coordinator, lecturer, coach and facilitator. Her family lives in Taiwan, she grew up in Germany, and she has lived in California for over 20 years. She is deeply interested in integrating our global complexities so that we may approach each other with openness and curiosity. Her group relations experience include multiple conferences as member and staff, and as an instructor at USD. She is a co-creator of Group Relations International, Member of GREX and of the A.K. Rice Institute.
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  • 顾问团队


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    Carlos Remotti-Breton, MA

    卡洛斯·雷莫蒂·布雷顿, 文学硕士

    Organisational & Leadership Consultant, c3 + Partners; Strategic Leadership Module Lead, Durham Business School; Board Member of OPUS: an Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society. Training Candidate British Psychoanalytic Association and PhD Candidate NIODA. Based in London, United Kingdom.
    组织与领导力顾问,c3 +合伙人; 达勒姆商学院战略领导模块负责人; OPUS 董事会成员。英国精神分析协会培训候选人, NIODA博士研究生. 英国伦敦。
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    Keith Lee Quai


    Organisational psychologist, Lecturer, Group relations consultant
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    Mak Wemuk


    JD, University of Chicago; Principal, Luna Consulting & Coaching; Executive Committee member, Washington-Baltimore Center for the Study of Group Relations (WBC); Co-Creator, Group Relations International (GRI); Certified Consultant, Director Development Mentor, and Reparations Committee member, AKRI; Past-President, the National Association of Latine Healthcare Executives (NALHE); member, National Lawyers Guild.

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    Veena Pinto


    Veena Pinto MA, Clinical Psychology and post graduate Human Resources Management. Currently Organization Consultant and Coach. Associate member of Group Relations India, member of A.K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems, member of Group Relations International, professional member, Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science.
    维娜·平托 临床心理学硕士学位和人力资源管理研究生学位;现担任组织顾问和教练,印度团体关系协会会员,A.K莱斯社会系统研究所成员,团体关系国际成员,印度应用行为科学学会专业会员
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    王小红 博士
    Xiaohong Wang, PhD


    Ph.D. in Applied Psychology, Southwestern State University, Russia; Senior Organizational Development OD Consultant; Tavistock Certified Group Relations Conference Advisor; Since 2018, he has participated in ten Tavistock Group Relations Conferences, and has served as a member, researcher, trainee consultant, consultant, large group advisory leader, conference vice chair, etc.
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    Yu-An Wang, MA, LMHC, LPCC, NCC

    出生台灣,現居洛杉磯。現任洛杉磯私人執業心理諮商師,西雅圖老人長期照護非營利組織顧問與培訓員,AKRI董事會成員、分會代表與秘書,畢業於西北大學心理諮商碩士班。受訓於心理動力、團體治療、身體經驗創傷療法 (Somatic Experiencing) 、正念冥想、多元文化、與社會正義取向的心理治療方法。自2014年起在美國、中國、台灣、以色列等地參與團體關係會議與相關培訓,擔任過的角色有成員、進階組成員、行政人員、文化翻譯、受訓顧問、偕同顧問、顧問;以及CASSGO第四期團體關係線上課程翻譯與教師、和CASSGO第五期團體關係線上課程副主任與教師。

    Born and raised in Taiwan and currently living in Los Angeles. Private practice psychotherapist in Los Angeles, non-profit long-term care case management consultant and trainer, AKRI board member, affiliate representative, and secretary. Graduated from Master of Counseling at Northwestern University. Trained in psychodynamic, group psychotherapy, somatic experiencing, mindfulness, multicultural, and social justice oriented approaches. Has participated in Group Relations Conferences as a member, administrator, cultural interpreter, consultant-in-training, co-consultant, and consultant throughout the USA, China, Taiwan, and Israel since 2014. Also interpreter and teacher in CASSGO 4th Group Relations Online Seminar and associate director and teacher in CASSGO 5th Group Relations Online Seminar. Members of AGPA, AKRI, GREX, and co-creator in GRI.
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    許育光 博士
    Dr. Yu-Kuang Hsu


    Professor, Tsinghua University (Taiwan) / Director, Psychology and Counseling Singapore Master Program/ Researcher, Education and Mind Science Research Center. Currently Chairman of Taiwan Counseling Psychology Association (TCPA), Supervisor of Play Therapy Association, Director of Group Counseling and Therapy Research Association, and Taiwan Association of Talent Assessment and Development (TA-TAD). Ph.D. on counseling psychology, licensed clinical psychologist, certified professional counseling supervisor and trainer. Dedicated on those fields of children, adolescents and clinical family issues, group dynamics and psychology, counseling and psychotherapy process research, with published hundred articles.
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  • 文化翻译团队

    Cultural Interpreters

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    Maggie Mu


    牟希文(Maggie Mu)美国Syracuse University艺术学硕士;Tavistock团体关系会议顾问(培训中);2018年至今参加5次团体关系会议,担任角色有:成员、文化翻译、主持人、受训顾问。


    Maggie Mu ,Master of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, USA; Tavistock Group Relations Conference Consultant (in training); Since 2018, she has participated in 5 group relations meetings and served as members, cultural translators, moderators, and training consultants.
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    Nicholas Bartlett

    Nick Bartlett 博士

    Nicholas Bartlett trained in Medical Anthropology at University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco and Psychoanalytic Sciences at the New Center for Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles. His is an assistant professor at Barnard College, Columbia University. An AKRI-certified consultant, Nick has served in member, observer, administrator, and consultant roles at GRCs taking place in the United States, mainland China and Taiwan.


    Nick Bartlett 博士,加州大学伯克利分校医学人类学博士;精神分析理论博士(新精神分析中心,洛杉矶);哥伦比亚大学巴纳德学院助理教授;多次参加中国大陆,美国台湾团体关系会议中历任成员、观察员,行政与顾问角色。
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    Yao Cheng

    Master, lecturer; Graduated from Shenyang Conservatory of Music majoring in music therapy; National second-level psychotherapist; Member of Liaoning Rehabilitation Association Psychological Rehabilitation Association; Music Imagary Therapist (MI); Since 2019, she has systematically participated in the psychodynamic group study and GIM (Guided Music Imagery) continuous mode training program; Participated as a member in the 2021 Wuhan Online Group Relations Conference and the 2022 China and World Group Relations Conference
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    Yifei Wang

    Major in Chinese, English and French, School of Translation and Interpretation, Beijing Language and Culture University.
    Test of English Major Level 8.
    Test of French Major Level 8.
    Former participant and interpreter of GRC and relevant events.
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    Yunung Lee

    Yunung Lee is a registered counseling psychologist from Taiwan. She is also a PhD candidate in counseling psychology at McGill university in Canada. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD in social work at McGill. She holds a BA in English language and literature from National Taiwan University and two MEd in counseling psychology from National Taiwan Normal University and the University of Missouri. Regarding GRC, she had worked as the interpreter at the 1st international GRC in Taiwan in Aug 2018 and as a consultant in training at the Taipei Tsing Hwa GRC in 2019 and 2020. She likes to explore the intersections between sociopolitical conditions and the human psyche.
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    Last date for registration: Saturday, 21 September 2024



    Early registration is advised as the number of spaces is limited.


    The following three situations can enjoy discounted price registration:
    Students, Members from sponsors or endorsers, Group registration for 3 people or more.



    Individual Registrtion


    2024.05.01 - 2024.08.31 ¥3800 / $560

    2024.09.01 - 2024.09.21 ¥4000 / $580


    Student/Institutional/ Group Registration


    2024.05.01 - 2024.08.31 ¥2850 / $410

    2024.09.01 - 2024.09.21 ¥3000 / $440


    To apply for IGRC premium member, please click on the link below



    Refund Policy



    The ratio of refund for cancellation is as follows:


    2024.05.01 - 2024.08.31

    全额退款 Full refund

    2024.09.01 - 2024.09.21

    半额退款 Half refund

    2024.09.22 - 2024.10.01

    不予退款 No refund








    Some partial scholarships are available.

    Please contact the administrators via emai for more information about scholarships.



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    We are a group relations organization in China committed to learning about

    boundaries, authority, role, and task across cultures and nations to create a better world together.

  • 专业协会支持方主办方

    Professional Association Endorsers


    Belt and Road : Humanities and Talent Development Research Center


    Psychoanalysis Committee, Chinese Mental Health Association


    Psychosomatic Medicine Committee, Chinese Mental Health Association


    Mental Health and Psychiatry Professional Committee, Cross-Strait Medical and Health Exchange Association


    Career Planning and Development Professional Committee, Liaoning Planning Association


    Shenyang Behavior Science Society


    Shenyang Yuhong District Meiyuanxin Village Business consulting Service Center

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